SQL queries

Note: Not sure if these are solid so you may need to tweak.

Common stuff


declare @MyVar as varchar(100)
set @MyVar = '119084%'
select *
FROM [commserv].[dbo].[CommCellBackupInfo]
where jobid like @MyVar

Insert row

insert into [SCOMCmdb].[dbo].[Configuration]
(Name, Class, Category, status, comment)
values ('server.name', 'FederationServer', 'CatA', 'Project', 'Test jump box.')

Delete row

delete from [SCOMCmdb].[dbo].[Configuration]
where Name ='server.name' and Class='WindowsServer'

Update existing row

update [SCOMCmdb].[dbo].[Configuration]
set status = 'Active', Category = 'CatB'
where Name = 'server.name'
and Class = 'IISWebServer'

Get unique rows from column

SELECT distinct class from [SCOMCmdb].[dbo].[Configuration]

Inner Join

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table1 tb1
INNER JOIN table2 tb2
ON tb1.column_name = tb2.column_name --these have to match.


Get runbooks with logging enabled

USE Orchestrator
SELECT * FROM POLICIES WHERE LogCommonData = 1 OR LogSpecificData = 1

Get runbook info (name, path etc)

USE Orchestrator
SELECT v.Id, v.Name, LEFT(v.Path, LEN(v.Path)-LEN(Name)) as [Path], v.IsMonitor, v.CreationTime, v.LastModifiedTime, v.CheckedOutTime, v.CheckedOutBy
FROM [Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator].[Runbooks] v --this is a view
ORDER BY Name, [Path]

Get concurrent runbook limit

USE Orchestrator

Get events

SELECT * FROM [Orchestrator].[dbo].[EVENTS]

Get runbook servers


SELECT * FROM [Orchestrator].[dbo].[ACTIONSERVERS]


SELECT * FROM [Orchestrator].[Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Runtime].[RunbookServers]

Can't remove orphaned runbook instances

I couldn't remove orphaned runbook instances even after running this SQL command recommended in  this  article:

USE YourScoDb
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC @return_value = [Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Runtime.Internal].[ClearOrphanedRunbookInstances]
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value

The query would always run for 30+ minutes.

Then I followed  this  article and they cleared out. It's probably extreme but it worked.

In short, the steps are:
  1. Stop all running runbooks
  2. Stop all Orchestrator services - I didn't do that
  3. Run this command:

USE YourScoDb
TRUNCATE TABLE [Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator.Runtime.Internal].Jobs

Get runbooks that should be running (but ain't)

This will return selected runbooks that are not running.

These are the different states for a job:

  • 0 - Pending
  • 1 - Running
  • 2 - Failed
  • 3 - Cancelled
  • 4 - Completed

WITH GetRunbookState AS
SELECT Runbook.Id AS [Id], Runbook.Name AS [Name], LEFT(Path, LEN(Path)-LEN(Name)) as [Path],
THEN 'Running'
ELSE 'NotRunning'
END AS [State]
FROM [Orchestrator].[Microsoft.SystemCenter.Orchestrator].[Runbooks] Runbook
WHERE Runbook.IsMonitor = '1'
AND Runbook.Path = '\RunbookPath1'
OR Runbook.Path = '\RunbookPath2'
OR Runbook.Id = 'BC50A2CB-E436-4CE7-9B46-E556AF1D429D'
OR Runbook.Id = 'D908E46C-B0C5-4F45-9B7F-EF02150D5E4F'
SELECT * FROM GetRunbookState
WHERE [State] = 'NotRunning'


Get server OS

use cm_cas
select Netbios_Name0, Full_Domain_Name0, Operating_System_Name_and0, Last_Logon_Timestamp0
from vSMS_R_System
where vSMS_R_System.Operating_System_Name_and0 like '%server%'

Get collections

select *
FROM [CM_CAS].[dbo].[vCollections]
--where CollectionName = 'add_name'
--where ObjectPath like 'add_path'
order by CollectionName


Get database size/used space

This shows the DB and log file size plus the used/free space in each.

SELECT convert(decimal(12,0),round(sf.size/128.000,2)) AS 'FileSize(MB)', 
convert(decimal(12,0),round(fileproperty(sf.name,'SpaceUsed')/128.000,2)) AS 'SpaceUsed(MB)', 
convert(decimal(12,0),round((sf.size-fileproperty(sf.name,'SpaceUsed'))/128.000,2)) AS 'FreeSpace(MB)', 
CASE smf.is_percent_growth WHEN 1 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),smf.growth) +' %' ELSE convert(VARCHAR(10),smf.growth/128) +' MB' END AS 'AutoGrow',
convert(decimal(12,0),round(sf.maxsize/128.000,2)) AS 'AutoGrowthMB(MAX)',
left(sf.NAME,15) AS 'NAME', 
left(sf.FILENAME,120) AS 'PATH',
from dbo.sysfiles sf
JOIN sys.master_files smf on smf.physical_name = sf.filename

Get all alerts last x days

This is a basic query that gets all the main alert properties you generally need. Make sure you specifiy a value for @Days otherwise it will pull back all alerts. Add '*' if you need to see more columns.

Notice the duplicate val.AlertGuid rows. This is because a new row is added as changes are made to each alert i.e. update resolution state. This can be tricky if you only want one row returned i.e. you want a report on alerts closed by users - just need to figure out how to return the most recent row.

Use OperationsManagerDW
SET @Days = 100 --get alerts from last x days
CONVERT(datetime,SWITCHOFFSET(CONVERT(datetimeoffset,val.RaisedDateTime),DATENAME(TzOffset, SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()))) as [RaisedDateTime], -- convert local time.
CONVERT(datetime,SWITCHOFFSET(CONVERT(datetimeoffset,val.DWLastModifiedDateTime),DATENAME(TzOffset, SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()))) as [DWLastModifiedDateTime], -- convert local time.
when val.Severity='0' then 'Information' --(0=Information, 1=Warning, 2=Critical)
when val.Severity='1' then 'Warning'
when val.Severity='2' then 'Critical'
end as Severity,
when val.Priority = '0' then 'Low' --(0=Low, 1=Medium, 2=High)
when val.Priority = '1' then 'Medium'
when val.Priority = '2' then 'High'
end as Priority,
when val.MonitorAlertInd='0' then 'Rule'
when val.MonitorAlertInd='1' then 'Monitor'
end as WorkflowType,
when [var].ResolutionState = '0' then 'New'
when [var].ResolutionState = '1' then 'Assigned'
when [var].ResolutionState = '249' then 'Acknowledged'
when [var].ResolutionState = '255' then 'Closed'
end as ResolutionState,
from alert.vAlert val
inner join alert.vAlertDetail vad
on val.AlertGuid = vad.AlertGuid
inner join alert.vAlertParameter vap
on vap.AlertGuid = val.AlertGuid
inner join alert.vAlertResolutionState [var]
on [var].AlertGuid = val.AlertGuid
inner join vManagedEntity vEntity
on val.ManagedEntityRowId = vEntity.ManagedEntityRowId
WHERE val.RaisedDateTime > GETDATE()-@Days
order by val.AlertGuid, val.RaisedDateTime

Get closed alerts with unhealthy monitors

This is a tricky one. I've had a few goes at this (queries 2,3) but I think query 1 is the most accurate. The only problem is it doesn't look at alert status. Use all three to get the job done.

Query 1

You might need to comment/uncomment certain lines to get the info you need.

use OperationsManager
SELECT bme.path, -- This might be comp name.
bme.DisplayName, -- This might be comp name.
mv.DisplayName as AlertName,
mv.Name AS 'MonitorName',
when s.HealthState = '0' then 'Not monitored'
when s.HealthState = '1' then 'Success'
when s.HealthState = '2' then 'Warning'
when s.HealthState = '3' then 'Error'
end as HealthState,
s.LastModified AS 'StateLastModified'
--mv.DisplayName AS 'MonitorDisplayName',
--bme.FullName AS 'Target',
FROM State s
JOIN BaseManagedEntity bme ON s.BaseManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
JOIN MonitorView mv ON mv.Id = s.MonitorId
WHERE s.HealthState > 1 -- 0=Not monitored or MM, 1=Success, 2=Warning, 3=Error
and mv.IsUnitMonitor = 1
--and mv.Name like '%trellix%' -- filter on monitor name
--and bme.path = 'COMPUTER' -- filter on computer name
--and bme.DisplayName = 'COMPUTER' -- filter on computer name
order by bme.path, s.LastModified, mv.Name

Query 2

use OperationsManagerDW
select distinct f.Path, a.AlertName--, b.StateSetByUserId
from Alert.vAlert a
inner join alert.vAlertResolutionState b on a.AlertGuid = b.AlertGuid
inner join alert.vAlertDetail c on c.AlertGuid = b.AlertGuid
inner join [OperationsManager].[dbo].[MonitorView] d on a.AlertProblemGuid = d.Id
inner join [OperationsManager].[dbo].[State] e on d.Id = e.MonitorId
inner join [OperationsManager].[dbo].[BaseManagedEntity] f ON e.BaseManagedEntityId = f.BaseManagedEntityId
where b.StateSetByUserId NOT IN ('System', 'Maintenance Mode', 'Auto-resolve', 'ANY_OTHER_NAMES')
and a.AlertName NOT IN ('Exchange Health Set')
and (b.ResolutionState = 255 or b.ResolutionState = 254)
and a.MonitorAlertInd = 1
and e.HealthState > 1 --0=Not monitored or MM, 1=Success, 2=Warning, 3=Error
and d.IsUnitMonitor = 1
order by f.path, a.AlertName

Query 3

This doesn't use DISTINCT. It should get the most recent record by date (to avoid duplicates) and might be a better option. This doesn't filter out usernames.

use OperationsManagerDW
select f.path as Ojbect, a.AlertName, d.Name, MAX(a.RaisedDateTime) LatestRecord
from Alert.vAlert a
inner join alert.vAlertResolutionState b on a.AlertGuid = b.AlertGuid
inner join alert.vAlertDetail c on c.AlertGuid = b.AlertGuid
inner join [OperationsManager].[dbo].[MonitorView] d on a.AlertProblemGuid = d.Id
inner join [OperationsManager].[dbo].[State] e on d.Id = e.MonitorId
inner join [OperationsManager].[dbo].[BaseManagedEntity] f ON e.BaseManagedEntityId = f.BaseManagedEntityId
where (b.ResolutionState = 255 or b.ResolutionState = 254) -- Closed or Resolved.
and a.MonitorAlertInd = 1
and e.HealthState > 1 --0=Not monitored or MM, 1=Success, 2=Warning, 3=Error
and d.IsUnitMonitor = 1
and a.AlertName like '%trellix%' -- Filter alert name.
group by f.Path, a.AlertName, d.Name
order by f.Path, a.AlertName

Get alerts closed by users

This will show alerts that have been closed by users. The query filters out non-user accounts System, Maintenance Mode, Auto-resolve. I can't find a column that shows the time the alert was closed, the closest thing is the LastModified column.

Use OperationsManagerDW
SET @Days = 30 --get alerts from last x days
CONVERT(datetime,SWITCHOFFSET(CONVERT(datetimeoffset,vAlert.RaisedDateTime),DATENAME(TzOffset, SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()))) as [TimeCreated], -- convert local time.
CONVERT(datetime,SWITCHOFFSET(CONVERT(datetimeoffset,vAlert.DWLastModifiedDateTime),DATENAME(TzOffset, SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()))) as [LastModified], -- convert local time.
when vAlert.Severity='0' then 'Information' --(0=Information, 1=Warning, 2=Critical) (0=Low, 1=Medium, 2=High)
when vAlert.Severity='1' then 'Warning'
when vAlert.Severity='2' then 'Critical'
end as Severity,
when vAlert.Priority = '0' then 'Low'
when vAlert.Priority = '1' then 'Medium'
when vAlert.Priority = '2' then 'High'
end as Priority,
when valert.MonitorAlertInd='0' then 'Rule'
when valert.MonitorAlertInd='1' then 'Monitor'
end as WorkflowType,
when vres.ResolutionState = '0' then 'New'
when vres.ResolutionState = '1' then 'Assigned'
when vres.ResolutionState = '249' then 'Acknowledged'
when vres.ResolutionState = '255' then 'Closed'
end as ResolutionState,
alert.vAlert vAlert
inner join vManagedEntity vEntity
on vAlert.ManagedEntityRowId = vEntity.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join alert.vAlertResolutionState vres
on valert.AlertGuid = vres.AlertGuid
WHERE ResolutionState = '255'
AND RaisedDateTime > GETDATE()-@Days
and StateSetByUserId NOT IN ('System', 'Maintenance Mode', 'Auto-resolve')
order by RaisedDateTime desc

Get alerts by name

Use OperationsManagerDW
SET @AlertName = '%pop%' -- put alert name here.
SET @Days = 20 --get alerts from last x days
CONVERT(datetime,SWITCHOFFSET(CONVERT(datetimeoffset,vAlert.RaisedDateTime),DATENAME(TzOffset, SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()))) as [TimeCreated], -- convert local time.
when vAlert.Severity='0' then 'Information' --(0=Information, 1=Warning, 2=Critical) (0=Low, 1=Medium, 2=High)
when vAlert.Severity='1' then 'Warning'
when vAlert.Severity='2' then 'Critical'
end as Severity,
when vAlert.Priority = '0' then 'Low'
when vAlert.Priority = '1' then 'Medium'
when vAlert.Priority = '2' then 'High'
end as Priority,
when valert.MonitorAlertInd='0' then 'Rule'
when valert.MonitorAlertInd='1' then 'Monitor'
end as WorkflowType,
when vres.ResolutionState = '0' then 'New'
when vres.ResolutionState = '1' then 'Assigned'
when vres.ResolutionState = '249' then 'Acknowledged'
when vres.ResolutionState = '255' then 'Closed'
end as ResolutionState,
alert.vAlert vAlert
inner join vManagedEntity vEntity
on vAlert.ManagedEntityRowId = vEntity.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join alert.vAlertResolutionState vres
on valert.AlertGuid = vres.AlertGuid
WHERE vAlert.AlertName like @AlertName
AND RaisedDateTime > GETDATE()-@Days
order by RaisedDateTime desc

Get all alert history

This query is unconfirmed.

This gets all alerts and shows rule/monitor/mp info. You can filter with the variables to reduce the list:

You need to set 4 variables:

  • @Severity - filter by alert severity
  • @Priority - filter by alert priority
  • @MP - filter by mp display name (not dotted name)
  • @Days - filter by last x days

Comment out @Severity and @Priority to get all alerts.

USE OperationsManagerDW
DECLARE @Severity INT, @Priority INT, @MP VARCHAR(MAX), @Days INT
SET @Severity = 1 --use for filtering (0=Information, 1=Warning, 2=Critical)
SET @Priority = 1 --use for filtering (0=Low, 1=Medium, 2=High)
SET @MP = '%' --this returns all MPs. Filter with '%sql%' for example.
SET @Days = 365 --get alerts from last x days
'Monitor' [Type],
m.MonitorDefaultName [MonitorRuleDisplayName],
m.MonitorSystemName [MonitorRuleName],
mp.ManagementPackDefaultName [MpDisplayName],
mp.ManagementPackSystemName [MpName],
MIN(a.RaisedDateTime) RaisedDateTime
FROM Alert.vAlert a
JOIN dbo.vMonitor m ON a.WorkflowRowId = m.MonitorRowId
JOIN dbo.vManagementPack mp ON m.ManagementPackRowId = mp.ManagementPackRowId
WHERE mp.ManagementPackDefaultName LIKE @MP
AND a.RaisedDateTime > GETDATE()-@Days
AND a.MonitorAlertInd = 1
AND a.Severity = @Severity --remove if needed
AND a.Priority = @Priority --remove if needed
'Rule' [Type],
MIN(a.RaisedDateTime) RaisedDateTime
FROM Alert.vAlert a
JOIN dbo.vRule r ON a.WorkflowRowId = r.RuleRowId
JOIN dbo.vManagementPack mp ON r.ManagementPackRowId = mp.ManagementPackRowId
WHERE mp.ManagementPackDefaultName LIKE @MP
AND a.RaisedDateTime > GETDATE()-@Days
AND a.MonitorAlertInd = 0
AND a.Severity = @Severity --remove if needed
AND a.Priority = @Priority --remove if needed
ORDER BY [Type], [MonitorRuleName]

Get Windows agents

USE OperationsManager
SELECT UPPER(DisplayName) AS PrincipalName
FROM MT_Microsoft$SystemCenter$Agent sca
INNER JOIN BaseManagedEntity bme
ON sca.BaseManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
ORDER BY DisplayName

Get computer maintenance mode history

This will get all maintenance mode history for a Windows/Linux/UNIX computer.

Note: If you don't get anything returned, chances are the  Microsoft.Windows.Computer class wasn't used to put the computer into maintenance mode. This happens when people apply MM on the alert. To see all classes in MM, uncomment all references to @Class.

You need to set 2 variables:

  • @Class - set to Microsoft.Windows.Computer or Microsoft.Unix.Computer
  • @Object - set to computer FQDN

USE OperationsManagerDW
SET @Class = '' --update
SET @Object = '' --update
SELECT me.DisplayName,
FORMAT(DATEADD(HOUR, @TimeOffset, mmh.DBLastModifiedDateTime), 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm') AS StartTime,
FORMAT(DATEADD(HOUR, @TimeOffset, mmh.ScheduledEndDateTime), 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm') AS StopTime,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(hh, mmh.DBLastModifiedDateTime, mmh.ScheduledEndDateTime) < 24 THEN '0' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEDIFF(dd, mmh.DBLastModifiedDateTime, mmh.ScheduledEndDateTime)) END + 'd ' +
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(mi, mmh.DBLastModifiedDateTime, mmh.ScheduledEndDateTime) < 60 THEN '0' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEDIFF(hh, mmh.DBLastModifiedDateTime, mmh.ScheduledEndDateTime) % 24) END + 'h ' +
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEDIFF(mi, mmh.DBLastModifiedDateTime, mmh.ScheduledEndDateTime) % 60) + 'm' AS Duration,
mmh.UserId AS Account,
'Type' = CASE mmh.PlannedMaintenanceInd
WHEN 1 THEN 'Scheduled'
WHEN 0 THEN 'Unscheduled'
ELSE 'Unknown'
'Category' = CASE mmh.ReasonCode
WHEN 0 THEN 'Other (Planned)'
WHEN 1 THEN 'Other (Unplanned)'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Hardware: Maintenance (Planned)'
WHEN 3 THEN 'Hardware: Maintenance (Unplanned)'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Hardware: Installation (Planned)'
WHEN 5 THEN 'Hardware: Installation (Unplanned)'
WHEN 6 THEN 'Operating System: Reconfiguration (Planned)'
WHEN 7 THEN 'Operating System: Reconfiguration (Unplanned)'
WHEN 8 THEN 'Application: Maintenance (Planned)'
WHEN 9 THEN 'Application: Maintenance (Unplanned)'
WHEN 10 THEN 'Application: Installation (Planned)'
WHEN 11 THEN 'Application: Unresponsive'
WHEN 12 THEN 'Application: Unstable'
WHEN 13 THEN 'Security Issue'
WHEN 14 THEN 'Loss of network connectivity (Unplanned)'
FROM ManagedEntity me WITH (NOLOCK)
MaintenanceMode mm (NOLOCK) ON me.ManagedEntityRowId = mm.ManagedEntityRowId
MaintenanceModeHistory mmh (NOLOCK) ON mm.MaintenanceModeRowId = mmh.MaintenanceModeRowId
WHERE FullName = @Class+':'+@Object
ORDER BY mmh.DBLastModifiedDateTime DESC

Get Unix / Linux agents

USE OperationsManager
SELECT UPPER(DisplayName) AS PrincipalName
FROM MT_Microsoft$Unix$Computer
ORDER BY DisplayName

Get Windows clusters info

This will show Windows cluster names, nodes and node OS and matches what's in the SCOM console. You will need to update the CASE statement as new OSs are released.

This helped with identifying OSs but also had to Google a bit.

USE OperationsManager
UPPER(cl.DisplayName) AS ClusterName,
nr.PrincipalName AS ComputerName,
WHEN OSVersion_3EA023B7_F70D_3284_71CE_6B287C837724='10.0.14393' THEN 'Microsoft Windows Server 2016'
WHEN OSVersion_3EA023B7_F70D_3284_71CE_6B287C837724='6.3.9600' THEN 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2'
WHEN OSVersion_3EA023B7_F70D_3284_71CE_6B287C837724='6.1.7601' THEN 'Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2'
END AS OperatingSystem
FROM MT_Microsoft$Windows$Cluster cl
INNER JOIN MT_Microsoft$Windows$Cluster$Node cn ON cn.ClusterName_B70F3ED5_E421_C995_F2FE_F377AA50368E = cl.DisplayName
inner join MTV_Microsoft$Windows$Cluster$NodeRole nr ON nr.DisplayName = cn.NodeName_1C5DA5AC_4171_58A3_DCC7_63D6C7BBDDAB
--where cl.DisplayName = 'add cluster name to filter'
ORDER BY cl.DisplayName, nr.PrincipalName

I've been trying to do this without a CASE statement as it's neater but it's returing more nodes so it's not reliable. Here's the code:

USE OperationsManager
SELECT distinct
cl.DisplayName AS ClusterName,
nr.PrincipalName AS ComputerName,
os.DisplayName AS OperatingSystem
FROM MT_Microsoft$Windows$OperatingSystem os
inner join MT_Microsoft$Windows$Cluster cl ON cl.OSVersion_3EA023B7_F70D_3284_71CE_6B287C837724 = os.OSVersion_53D6DEB6_BE2E_D1B6_D49E_A623518BD867
inner JOIN MT_Microsoft$Windows$Cluster$Node cn ON cl.DisplayName=cn.ClusterName_B70F3ED5_E421_C995_F2FE_F377AA50368E
inner join MTV_Microsoft$Windows$Cluster$NodeRole nr ON nr.DisplayName = cn.NodeName_1C5DA5AC_4171_58A3_DCC7_63D6C7BBDDAB
ORDER BY cl.DisplayName, nr.PrincipalName

Get single alert history

This will get alert history for a single alert. This is useful for the "SCOM didn't alert" arguments.

You need to set 1 variable:

  • @AlertName - the name of the alert

USE OperationsManagerDW
DECLARE @TimeOffset INT, @AlertName VARCHAR(MAX)
SET @AlertName = '' --add alert name here.
SELECT DISTINCT a.AlertGuid, a.AlertName, a.AlertProblemGuid AS RuleMonitorId, a.RaisedDateTime AS UtcTime,
FORMAT(DATEADD(HOUR, @TimeOffset, RaisedDateTime), 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss') AS [LocalTime]
FROM [OperationsManagerDW].[Alert].[vAlert] a
INNER JOIN [OperationsManagerDW].[Alert].[vAlertDetail] b
ON a.[AlertGuid]=b.[AlertGuid]
WHERE AlertName = @AlertName
ORDER BY a.RaisedDateTime DESC

Get top 10 low free space on C: drives

use OperationsManager
select top 10 Path, InstanceName, CAST(SampleValue/1024 as decimal(10,1)) as 'GB_Free', TimeSampled
from (select Path, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, TimeSampled,
ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by path order by TimeSampled desc) as seqnum
from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK) 
inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid 
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId 
where objectname = 'LogicalDisk' 
AND countername = 'Free Megabytes'
and InstanceName = 'c:'
) t
where seqnum = 1
order by SampleValue

Get all disks with less than 10GB free

I think this is working but needs more testing. This is enough to get you started.

The where lines are the interesting ones. I still don't understand how they work.

use OperationsManager
select top 10 Path, InstanceName, SampleValue, TimeSampled
from (select Path, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, TimeSampled,
ROW_NUMBER() over (PARTITION by path order by TimeSampled desc) as seqnum
from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK) 
inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid 
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId 
where objectname = 'LogicalDisk' 
AND countername = 'Free Megabytes'
and InstanceName = 'c:'
) t
where seqnum = 1
--and SampleValue < '5000'
--and InstanceName = 'c:'
order by SampleValue

Basic query to get C: drive counter

Need to figure out how to pull back last sampled value from single computer

select Path, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, TimeSampled
from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
where path = 'server_fqdn'
AND objectname = 'LogicalDisk'
AND countername = 'Free Megabytes'
AND InstanceName = 'c:'
order by timesampled DESC

Get every perf counter - single computer

select Distinct Path, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName
from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
where path = 'server_fqdn'
order by objectname, countername, InstanceName

CPU % Processor Time - single computer

select Path, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, TimeSampled
from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
where path = 'server_fqdn'
AND objectname = 'Processor Information'
AND countername = '% Processor Time'
order by timesampled DESC

CPU % Processor Time - single computer

select Path, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, TimeSampled
from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
where path = 'server_fqdn'
AND objectname = 'System'
AND countername = 'Processor Queue Length'
order by timesampled DESC

Get memory Available MBytes - single computer

select Path, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, TimeSampled
from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
where path = 'server_fqdn'
AND objectname = 'Memory'
AND countername = 'Available MBytes'
order by timesampled DESC

Get memory PercentMemoryUsed - single computer

select Path, ObjectName, CounterName, InstanceName, SampleValue, TimeSampled
from PerformanceDataAllView pdv with (NOLOCK)
inner join PerformanceCounterView pcv on pdv.performancesourceinternalid = pcv.performancesourceinternalid
inner join BaseManagedEntity bme on pcv.ManagedEntityId = bme.BaseManagedEntityId
where path = 'server_fqdn'
AND objectname = 'Memory'
AND countername = 'PercentMemoryUsed'
order by timesampled DESC

Get C: drive space from group members

This needs work, reports multiple instances.

use OperationsManagerDW
select  vme.Path,  InstanceName ,MaxValue, MinValue,AverageValue, convert(date,vpd.DateTime )
from Perf.vPerfDaily vpd
inner join vManagedEntity vme on vpd.ManagedEntityRowId = vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vPerformanceRuleInstance vpri on vpd.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vpri.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId
inner join vPerformanceRule vpr on vpr.RuleRowId = vpri.RuleRowId
WHERE objectname = 'LogicalDisk' and CounterName = 'Free Megabytes' and InstanceName = 'C:'
and path in (
select vme1.displayname from vRelationship vr
inner join vManagedEntity vme on vr.SourceManagedEntityRowId=vme.ManagedEntityRowId
inner join vManagedEntity vme1 on vr.TargetManagedEntityRowId=vme1.ManagedEntityRowId
where vme.displayName='CMDB Windows Server CatA')

Get Exchange counter info from Data warehouse

This is a good query to get Exchange counter info from the data warehouse. It's raw data but is a good starting point if you need to dig deeper using other queries.

use OperationsManagerDW
SET @Days = 30 --get alerts from last x days
CONVERT(datetime,SWITCHOFFSET(CONVERT(datetimeoffset,vph.DateTime),DATENAME(TzOffset, SYSDATETIMEOFFSET()))) as [LocalTime], -- convert local time.
vManagedEntity.Path, vPerformanceRule.ObjectName, vPerformanceRule.CounterName, vPerformanceRuleInstance.InstanceName,
ROUND(vph.MaxValue, 1) AS Milliseconds
FROM Perf.vPerfHourly AS vph 
INNER JOIN vPerformanceRuleInstance ON vPerformanceRuleInstance.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = vph.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId 
INNER JOIN vManagedEntity ON vph.ManagedEntityRowId = vManagedEntity.ManagedEntityRowId 
INNER JOIN vPerformanceRule ON vPerformanceRuleInstance.RuleRowId = vPerformanceRule.RuleRowId
WHERE vPerformanceRule.ObjectName = 'Exchange Database' 
--AND vPerformanceRule.CounterName IN ('I/O Log Reads Average Latency (ms)')
AND vManagedEntity.Path like '%FQDN%'
and MaxValue > 50
AND vph.DateTime > GETDATE()-@Days
order by LocalTime desc

Get group members

This seems reliable. It just returns names in the group, not class type of members.

use OperationsManager
select TargetObjectName
from RelationshipGenericView 
where SourceObjectFullName = 'Cmdb.Group.WindowsServerCatA'
and isDeleted=0
ORDER BY TargetObjectDisplayName

Get Windows agents in maintenance mode

use OperationsManager
SELECT DisplayName AS 'Server Name', StartTime AS 'Start Time', ScheduledEndTime AS 'End Time', [User] AS 'Scheduled By',
CASE tb1.ReasonCode
WHEN '0' THEN 'Other (Planned)' 
WHEN '1' THEN 'Other (Unplanned)' 
WHEN '2' THEN 'Hardware: Maintenance (Planned)' 
WHEN '3' THEN 'Hardware: Maintenance (Unplanned)' 
WHEN '4' THEN 'Hardware: Installation (Planned)' 
WHEN '5' THEN 'Hardware: Installation (Unplanned)' 
WHEN '6' THEN 'Operating System: Reconfiguration (Planned)' 
WHEN '7' THEN 'Operating System: Reconfiguration (Unplanned)' 
WHEN '8' THEN 'Application: Maintenance (Planned)' 
WHEN '9' THEN 'Application: Maintenance (Unplanned)' 
WHEN '10' THEN 'Application: Installation (Planned)' 
WHEN '11' THEN 'Application: Unresponsive' 
WHEN '12' THEN 'Application:  Unstable' 
WHEN '13' THEN 'Security Issue' 
WHEN '14' THEN 'Loss of network connectivity (Unplanned)' 
END AS 'Category',
tb1.Comments as Reason
FROM OperationsManager.[dbo].[MaintenanceModeView] tb1
inner join BaseManagedEntity tb2
on tb1.BaseManagedEntityId=tb2.BaseManagedEntityId
where IsInMaintenanceMode='1'
and FullName like 'Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthService:%'
and IsDeleted='0'
order by DisplayName

Get SCOM agents

This will match with agents, management servers and gateway servers in the console.

SELECT DisplayName
FROM [OperationsManager].[dbo].[MT_HealthService] hs
inner join [OperationsManager].[dbo].[Availability] av
on hs.BaseManagedEntityId=av.BaseManagedEntityId
order by DisplayName

Get count of Windows Operating System

This is the most accurate way I've found to get a count of Windows Operating Systems from SCOM. It doesn't include virtual computers from clusters so it should match up with the number of agents, management servers and gateway servers.

Sort by computer name, OS

use OperationsManager
select upper(hsw.DisplayName) as Computer, wos.DisplayName AS OperatingSystem
FROM MTV_HealthService hsw
inner join MTV_Microsoft$Windows$OperatingSystem wos on hsw.DisplayName = wos.PrincipalName
order by Computer

Count by OS

use OperationsManager
select wos.DisplayName AS OperatingSystem, count(*) Count
FROM MTV_HealthService hsw
inner join MTV_Microsoft$Windows$OperatingSystem wos on hsw.DisplayName = wos.PrincipalName
group by wos.DisplayName
order by Count desc

Get agent patch version

This is hit and miss. It doesn't show the patch in some servers. Use the SCOM.Admin mp instead.

USE OperationsManager
SELECT UPPER(MT_HealthService.DisplayName) AS PrincipalName,
FORMAT(DATEADD(HOUR, @TimeOffset, InstallTime), 'dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm') AS ApprovedTime,
InstalledBy AS ApprovedBy
FROM MT_HealthService
WHERE IsAgent = 1
ORDER BY PatchList, DisplayName

Get grey agents, gateways and mgmt servers

This is a constant work in progress.

USE OperationsManager
SELECT hs.DisplayName, av.IsAvailable, mm.IsInMaintenanceMode, hs.IsAgent, hs.IsGateway, hs.IsManagementServer, hs.IsRHS
FROM [OperationsManager].[dbo].[MT_HealthService] hs
INNER JOIN [OperationsManager].[dbo].[Availability] av
ON hs.BaseManagedEntityId=av.BaseManagedEntityId
INNER JOIN [OperationsManager].[dbo].[MaintenanceModeView] mm
ON mm.BaseManagedEntityId=hs.BaseManagedEntityId
WHERE av.IsAvailable='0'
AND mm.IsInMaintenanceMode='0'
ORDER BY hs.DisplayName
