


As of October 2023, Natural Metronome by Single Minded Productions works well.


Free running app for mobile that tracks distance.

Make ISOs

Google cdburnerxp or (working April 2017)

Make a bootable USB key or wipe it:

Google rufus usb or (working July 2017)

Config Manager

  • The tool to view logs is CMTrace.exe and it's in C:\Windows and C:\Windows\CCM.
  • A useful log for agent problems is C:\Windows\CCM\Logs\CcmExec.log


Recipes to try

Rice absorption


1 cup brown rice needs 2 cups water. Takes about 5 mins to get to a boil and 25 mins to cook. Total weight is 490 gm. You'll get 3 meals out of it (163 gm each).


1 cup white rice needs 1.5 cups water. Takes about 5 mins to get to a boil and ~15 mins to cook.


  • 1/4 tsp yeast = 1gm
  • 1/2 tsp yeast = 2gm
  • 1/2 tsp salt = 3gm
  • 1 tsp salt = 6gm

Weight / Volume

  • 2.4 ltr bowl when empty = 1035gm
  • 3.8 ltr bowl when empty = 1543gm
  • 1 cup bread crumbs = 4 slices


To get bread hydration:

liquid / flour x 100

I.e. If a recipe has 170gm water and 225 flour:

170 / 225 x 100 = 75% hydration

Get percentage of a number

To get the percentage of a number:

% x fixed_number / 100

I.e. To get 10% of 5000:

10 x 4194172 / 100 = 500


Softened butter 18-21 C.


Boil the googy

  • Put eggs in pan, add water and bring to boil (takes 6-7 mins).
  • When boiling turn off gas and leave 3-4 mins.
If you steep a 60 gm egg for 4 mins it will be slightly runny. Good for adding to pastas.

Disable taskbar thumbnails

Open regedit and it's either one or both of these, (both DWORD 32-bit) and reboot.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced. Set ExtendedUIHoverTime = 30000 (30 seconds. This delays the hover).

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Taskband. Set NumThumbnails = 0.

Disable User Account Control

  1. Control Panel.
  2. Security and Maintenance.
  3. Change User Account Control settings.
  4. Set to Never Notify.



Task Shortcut
Delete row Ctrl - (minus)
Insert row Alt + I + R
Insert multiple rows Select rows then Alt + I + R
Insert column Alt + I + C
Insert multiple columns Select rows then Alt + I + C
Select row Shift + Spacebar
Filter  Ctrl + Shift + L
Switch worksheets Ctrl + Pg Up / Pg Down
Insert worksheet Shift + F11
Delete worksheet Alt, H, D, S


Get percentage of a number

If you want to get a percentage of a fixed number:

% x fixed_number / 100

So to get 10% of 5000 it's:

10 x 4194172 / 100 = 500

Get percentage of 2 numbers

There's a few ways to do this. Try both if the number doesn't look right. If you're baking, sometimes you need to get the total of something first; i.e. using two flours you'd add them together to get total flour then use below calculation to get individual percentages of each. Make sense? 🤕

What percentage is 3000 of 5000?

3000 / 5000 * 100 = 60%

What percentage is 1 of 4426?

(4426 - 1) / 4426 * 100 = 99.9%



What happens to a service monitor on a computer that doesn't have the service installed?

It won't alert with it not being installed but Health Explorer will show the service as being monitored which is misleading. I have also seen alerts generated saying the service wasn't running so keep it simple and only monitor services that are actually installed.

Will my group override work?

My CMDB groups contain 3 main classes:
  • Microsoft.Windows.Computer
  • Microsoft.Windows.Cluster
  • Microsoft.SystemCenter.HealthServiceWatcher

For the rules and monitors I want enabled, these work great but there's some classes that don't inherit nicely so the override won't work. This section contains a list of classes where I have confirmed if the override works or not when it targets the group.

Class Comment
Microsoft.SystemCenter.Agent Overrides work if group contains Microsoft.Windows.Computer class.
Overrides work if group contains Microsoft.Windows.Computer class.

Override inheritance (class, group, object)

What happens if you have an override that targets a class, group and object? This is from Microsoft:

"Overrides that apply to a class are applied first, then overrides that apply to a group, and finally overrides that apply to a specific object."

Full article here.

Rule-generated alerts

When you disable a rule that generates alerts it will not close active alerts generated by that rule. You need to close them manually.

Overrides targeting groups in sealed MPs

These don't work because of the  ContextInstance attribute. You will get an error when you try to seal the mp.

Do overrides targeting a group with sub-groups work?

Yes. For example, if I have a root group called Test Root Group and it contains a sub-group called Test Sub Group that contains objects that the rule/monitor targets, an override targeting Test Root Group does "flow on" to objects in the sub-groups. I tested this successfully with the "High cpu" alert by adding a Windows Computer object to Test Sub Group.

Kick off a discovery on an agent without admin rights

I've often had the need to restart the HealthService on an agent to kick off discoveries but not had admin rights on the server. If you go to Operations Manager > Agent Details > Agents By Version there's 2 tasks that target the Health Service:

  • Reload Configuration
  • Flush Health Service State and Cache

I've tested both of these and not completely sure what each does but I've had more luck with Flush Health Service State and Cache so use that.

What is the default behaviour for agent and gateway failover?

Apparently agents failover to another MS automatically but gateways need to be configured manually.

Send parameters into SCOM tasks

When you send parameters into a SCOM task, it is a  string typeThis will mess you up if you are sending in a comma separated list as a parameter and you want to run commands against each one. Remember, it's not an arrayIf you need to test it, run $ParamVariable.gettype() in the task.

Management servers in maintenance mode

From what I've seen in SCOM 2016, this is what happens if all mgmt servers are in maintenance mode:

  • Monitoring pretty much stops
  • The most recent alert is back when MM started
  • Mgmt servers and agents can't exit out of maintenance mode

Registry discovery attributes

If you make a registry discovery you need to put values in PathType and AttributeType and I can never remember them. Kev's Class.And.Discovery.Registry.* mps explain them all.

Software registry key

This is the key if you need to find software info:




Task Shortcut
Bookmark: Jump next Ctrl + Alt + L
Bookmark: Toggle Ctrl + Alt + K
Command palette F1 / Ctrl + Shift + P
Copy line Shift + Alt + 🠉 🠋
Delete line Ctrl + Shift + K
Open settings Ctrl + ,
Show/hide sidebar Ctrl + B
Word wrap Alt + Z

Search and replace in selection

  1. Select the text you want to replace.
  2. Ctrl + H.
  3. Paste your new text.
  4. Drag over the section you want to replace.
  5. Alt + L.
  6. Ctrl + Alt + Enter.



To open settings.json for your user account, press F1 and search for settings.json and select Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON).

The tweaks I like are listed here, just dump this into settings.json.

  "telemetry.enableCrashReporter": false,
  "telemetry.enableTelemetry": false,
  "workbench.enableExperiments": false,
  "git.enableSmartCommit": true,
  "git.confirmSync": false,
  "git.autofetch": true,
  "editor.minimap.enabled": false,
  "files.associations": {
    "*.mpx": "xml"
  "workbench.startupEditor": "none",
  "workbench.colorTheme": "Visual Studio Dark",
  "highlight-matching-tag.styles": {
    "opening": {
      "name": {
        "highlight": "orange"
  "js/ts.implicitProjectConfig.checkJs": true,
  "editor.occurrencesHighlight": false,
  "json.schemas": [],
  "workbench.colorCustomizations": { // This lets you set the tab border colour.
    "tab.activeBorder": "#ffee00", // Tab colour.
    "tab.unfocusedActiveBorder": "#000000" //Don't know what this does.

Disable grey background highlight when clicking on a word

This is already covered in settings.json above.
  1. Press F1.
  2. Type in Open Settings (UI) and select it.
  3. Search for Occurrences Highlight.
  4. Under Editor: Occurrences Highlight untick Controls whether the editor should highlight semantic symbol occurrences.

Change XML highlight tag colour

This is already in settings.json under Tweaks but showing here in case you ever need to add manually. Update orange to whatever colour you want.

Just add this to settings.json.

"highlight-matching-tag.styles": {
"opening": {
"name": {
"highlight": "orange"


Some useful extensions:
  • Microsoft PowerShell
  • Bookmarks - Alessandro Fragnani
  • Highlight Matching Tag - vincaslt
  • highlight-words - Richard Bondi
  • XML Tools - Josh Johnson
