MPSeal fails with mp bundles

While trying to seal a 'views' only mp, MPSeal kept on failing.

The command I was running was:

MPSeal.exe AirWatch.Views.xml /I C:\Build\MPseal\RefMP /Keyfile C:\Build\MPseal\PairKey.snk /Company "blah company name"

Errors returned:

: Verification failed with 2 errors:
Error 1:
Found error in 2|AirWatch.Views||AirWatch.Views|| with message:
Could not load management pack [ID=Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library, KeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Version=7.0.8433.1]. The management pack was not found in the store.
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.ObjectNotFoundException: An object of class ManagementPack with name Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library was not found.
   at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.AggregateStoreManagementPackManagement.GetManagementPack(String name, String keytoken, Version version)
   at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackReference.GetManagementPack()
Error 2:
Found error in 2|AirWatch.Views||AirWatch.Views|| with message:
Could not load management pack [ID=Microsoft.SystemCenter.Visualization.Library, KeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Version=7.1.10226.1387]. The management pack was not found in the store.
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Common.ObjectNotFoundException: An object of class ManagementPack with name Microsoft.SystemCenter.Visualization.Library was not found.
   at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.AggregateStoreManagementPackManagement.GetManagementPack(String name, String keytoken, Version version)
   at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackReference.GetManagementPack()
Could not load management pack [ID=Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library, KeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, Version=7.0.8433.1]. The management pack was not found in the store.

Note the lines in red. The error is misleading. Those mps did exist in my 'reference mps' store, the problem was that they are mpb files and MPSeal does some sort of check when it runs. To bypass the check use FASTSEAL.exe instead. (apparently Visual Studio bypasses this check too)

Here's the command:

FASTSEAL.exe AirWatch.Views.xml /Keyfile C:\Build\MPseal\PairKey.snk /Company "blah company name" /Outdir C:\Build\MPseal /Copyright "blah company name"
