Report server install error "The specified SQL Server instance is not valid."

After installing a new SCOM 2016 management group I was getting this error when trying to install the Reporting server component on a seperate server. The DW database was on a different server that was part of an Always On availability group.

When I ran the install it would always bomb out with this error:

The specified SQL Server instance is not valid.  The possible causes of this problem include the following:

* SSRS has not been configured correctly
* Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is configured for the SQL Server Report Server.
* A proxy server is configured for the SQL Server Report Server.

After much digging around and trying all the usual crazy stuff (delete encryption keys, ResetSRS.exe etc) I found this error in the log that SCOM creates when adding/removing components. It's located in the user profile of whomever is running the install %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\SCOM\LOGS\OpsMgrSetupWizard.log.

[13:54:08]: Always: :Reporting URL: http://MyReportServer/ReportServer_REP_01
[13:54:08]: Info: :Attempting to connect to above URL
[13:54:08]: Error: :CheckHttpAddressResponse failed: Threw Exception.Type: System.Net.WebException, Exception Error Code: 0x80131509, Exception.Message: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found. < there's ya problem.

You can see it's trying to connect to the URL on line 1. By chance I remembered seeing in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager that the Report Server Virtual Directory was set to ReportServer (this is what gets created when doing a standard RS install). I also noticed that the SQL team had created a named instance of Reporting Services (I'd never heard of such a thing but apparantly you can install multiple instances of Reporting Services on the same computer).

Anyway, this dawned on me "what if I set the virtual directory to ReportServer_REP_01" in Reporting Services Configuration Manager. As soon as I changed it to ReportServer_REP_01 the install continued on successfully. For more info on named RS instances see this:
