Migrate notifications to another management group

These are the steps I took to migrate notifications from a production SCOM 2012 SP1 management group to a new 2016 management group. This works really well and is an awesome time-saver.

  • Export the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal mp in the old and new management groups - do not modify these, they are our backup copies
  • Make a copy of both files and rename them to something meaningful like Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal.ManagementGroupName_backup.xml
  • Make a note of the mp version number of the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal mp from the new management group. In my case it was 7.2.11719.0
  • Open up the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Notifications.Internal.xml file for the old management group and change the version number to that of the new management group mp version + 1. In my case I changed it from 7.0.9538.0 to 7.2.11719.1. This is so the mp imports properly in the new management group

At this point you may want to consider disabling all the subscriptions before importing it to the new management group if you don't want notifications being sent out.

  • To disable notifications go through each rule and change Enabled="true" to Enabled="false"
  • Import the mp into the new management group
  • Test your notifications

The mp imported successfully first time. Then I got this alert:

Name: Unified communication Api libraries are not installed on notification server

Description: Unified communication Api libraries are not found on server ManagementServer. Management group has instant messaging notification channel configured and server ManagementServer is a member of the notification resource pool. Instant messaging notification may fail in case alerts are generated...

This was caused by an Instant Messenger channel that had been setup. Though I have not confirmed it apparantly the resolution is to install UCMA 3.0 Runtime available here: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=20958
